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How To Make The Basketball Team In High School | Lessons From Getting Cut From My JV Team

How To Make The Basketball Team In High School | Lessons From Getting Cut From My JV Team
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25 BASKETBALL TIPS ON SHOOTING Shares Shooting is the most important skill in basketball. The other skills of basketball like  passing ,  dribbling , defense, and rebounding may help you get a high percentage shot, but you must still be able to make the shot. That is why it's important to learn how to shoot a basketball. A large part of shooting is the  mental attitude . In addition to shooting skill, you must have confidence in yourself to make shots. The combination of mental and mechanical aspects of shooting equals your shooting success. The  basketball tips  I have for you below will help to guide you into becoming a successful shooter. REASONS FOR LEARNING HOW TO SHOOT A BASKETBALL BETTER MAKES YOU HARDER TO GAURD Being a great shooter will increase your ability to drive to the basket. Not only will you make more shots from the perimeter, you'll also be able to drive to the basket much easier. How many times have you seen  Steph Cur